website marketing

10 things to consider!
Creating an online store requires some preparation
We give you helpful tips on how to make your future online shop a success. An online shop is more than just setting up a system. Because it doesn't work without prior knowledge.

What you can learn on this page
Everything it takes to create an online store
What skills do I need to master or acquire
Which useful tools help to achieve success faster
Which trends prevail in e-commerce

Tip #1
Analyze target group and market
Knowing the market and, above all, the target group is the be-all and end-all for an online shop. After all, these are the people who will later buy your product. If you know your target group, it will be much easier to bring the appropriate products to the man/woman. Also acquire a solid basic knowledge of online marketing in order to be able to react better to market developments.

What belongs in a target group definition
Age or belonging to an age group (e.g. 30 to 40 years)
Marital status
amount of income
place of residence and catchment area
buying/consumer behavior
preferences and needs
ethics and values

Tip #2
The right domain: A good and memorable internet address is important.
So how do you find a suitable domain for the online shop? What makes a good domain and which points should be considered? These questions are asked by everyone who wants to start an online business. Because if you want to open an online shop, you need a good, memorable Internet address. Our tip: The spice is in the brevity. The advantage of this is that you can remember the address better and there are fewer opportunities to make a typo. If you want to secure a small advantage with search engines, you can also pack the service or product into the domain. But many attractive domains are already taken, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a domain using this method. So creativity is required.

Our tips
Shorter domains are better than long ones
Analyze keywords with Google Keyword Planner
Buy multiple domains from Koppelwort (e.g.
Tip #3
Offer the right payment methods
Which payment methods should you offer your customers?
Every online shop has very different target groups and each target group requires a specific payment method. So here too: You should know your target group exactly, because without this knowledge, sales potential is often lost due to incorrect or missing payment methods. Take age structures for example: Not every teenager has a credit card (or can use their parents'). In this example, prepayment, invoice or Twint would probably be the best choice for the target group.

The most important payment methods in Switzerland
Invoice (with or without credit check)
Credit card (Visa, Mastercard, …)
Postfinance (e-finance or Postcard)
Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay, …
Advance payment
What do you need to offer credit card payments?
First of all, a payment service provider is required for the technical processing of the payment. This accepts the customer's payment details (credit cards, bank details, Paypal details, etc.) and provides immediate feedback so that the online payments can be processed.

Established payment service providers in Switzerland
Six Payment Services

Tip #4
Use good product photos
Since it is not possible to assess the product on site, the product photos are of crucial importance. The customer can only see exactly what he wants to buy in photos. The photos should be of high quality and available in high resolution. Some manufacturers offer images and videos for their products for download - these can be integrated quickly and easily.

If you offer products of which the size cannot be clearly identified, a reference object (e.g. a hand or an everyday product such as a packet of handkerchiefs) on the product image is an advantage. This gives the customer a better idea of ​​the size ratio. Don't just include a single photo per product. Show small details with separate images or show the product in daily use.
the essentials in brief
Photograph the product against a reference object so that the proportions are clear
Include more than one photo per product
Use the manufacturer's product photos

Tip #5
Learn SEO basics
Is neglected by many newcomers to the e-commerce market. You don't have to become a professional, but you should know the most important basics. The budget for advertising and Google Ads will certainly be tight at the beginning and SEO plays into your hands. Your online shop will only be found if it has good, indexable content. This is because most of the traffic will come from search engines if you don't advertise. In order for the web shop to be found on Google & Co., a good SEO basis is required. So, in order to have a successful online store, you need to use SEO to get customers to your website.

the essentials in brief
Learn the basics of SEO.
Optimize the content for the search engines.

Tip #6
Free delivery or fast shipping is trumps
According to statistics, a waiting time of up to a maximum of 2-3 working days is still acceptable for a large part. However, what matters more is free delivery. In order to hold your own against large shop competitors, you should try to include free delivery in the price. If there are any delays, inform your customers immediately - this creates customer loyalty.

the essentials in brief
Deliver your goods to your customers as quickly as possible
Offer free shipping or share the cost fairly
Always be transparent and inform your customers directly.

Tip #7
Set up your own warehouse or deliver directly from the supplier
If you sell your own products, you should set up a well-functioning warehouse. People who shop online are now used to the goods arriving at their home quickly. Or you can deliver the products you offer directly from the supplier and only take care of marketing and customer service.

Our online shop system offers you warehouse management in the backend. Items sold are deducted directly from stock. This is how you keep an overview – online and accessible at any time.

If you already have a warehouse
Prepare everything for shipping
Train your employees
Solve all warehouse management with one software
Deliver directly from the supplier
Save yourself the cost of having your own warehouse
Focus exclusively on marketing and customer support.
Tip #8
Do marketing – you can only sell products if you become well-known
There are many ways visitors can get to your website, so again, know your customers. Whether the best advertising channel is: Facebook or Google advertising, local news, posters, flyers, etc. depends on the product and the customers. It is best to acquire your first skills in marketing, hire specialists or get the knowledge from an external partner.

the essentials in brief
If they're not already well-known in the market, they're the right way to promote your online store
Acquire your first knowledge in marketing
Try out which advertising suits your online shop best.

Tip #9
Evaluate your visitor statistics and constantly improve
We are in the age of data, everyone is collecting data anytime, anywhere. But just collecting alone will not get you anywhere. You should therefore regularly evaluate the data collected. Develop a feeling for the buying behavior of your typical customers and use the knowledge to make your online shop even more successful with online marketing.

the essentials in brief
Integrate a statistical tool like Google Analytics.
Develop a feel for buying behavior
Adjust the offer to the needs of your customers.

Tip #10
Automate repetitive work
What happens after the order? How long does the delivery take? How much are the shipping costs? Answer such questions in an FAQ! You can also use a CRM like yourBureau to maintain the customer file and regularly draw attention to your products via newsletter. All repetitive tasks should be automated and streamlined as much as possible. Because this saves costs and, above all, time, so that you can invest in marketing and the range of your new online shop.

What could be automated
Summarize frequently asked questions in an FAQ
Instead of entering contact data manually, create an interface directly to a CRM
Integrate invoices directly into a CRM to keep accounting lean

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